Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Birthday Boy

It's your Birthday!
Oh My God!
It's your Birthday!!!!


You are like wine.
Getting better with time ;)

Went to Secret Recipe to celebrate the birdie's birthday. I reached there pretty late due to the stupid jam in town. When I got there it was about 1.30pm and all 7 of them finished eating already without me T__________________________T

So I just ordered 2 cakes. One for me and one for Marky boy.
hahaha he was so shy when we sang him birthday song.

Haiyo... apalah... no balls. Be a man can! Shy what la.

Hope you love the pressie which I knew you did. hahahahahaahaha.

Went to Mori for dinner.
Birthday boy treated me instead cause I left 4 bucks in my purse only T______________T
I overspend and forgot to withdraw money. hahaha
Thanks ^^
Buat baik dibalas baik.

Oh yeah, while blogging, I was chatting with Amirul and he said that he haven't wish you yet. So he wanted me to wish you in here.

Here it goes:

although years might have passed....we might have grown into men.
beyond still.......we are horny monkeys as we will forever slap anything that comes pass us.
sekian terima kasih.

And he enclosed this picture to you as a Birthday gift. hahahaha!!

Amirul and wax house beyonce.
Amirul the wax-whore!!!!


What a present.

Anyway we are going to continue celebration tomoro again. Second round. hohoho.

ps: Happy Wesak Day!!

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